Pajarito Powder Employee Profile Series: Henry Romero
August 22, 2017
Continuing with our article series showcasing Pajarito Powder’s elite team, we turn next to Henry Romero, our Process Development Technician. Henry brings a wealth of experience to the team, having worked in powder manufacturing and processing since the early 1990s. His 25-year tenure in the industry has provided opportunities to work with many different types of powders, equipments and processes, making him both confident in his work and well rounded in his knowledge base.
Originally from Los Angeles, California and with a background in computer electronics, Henry transitioned into a budding industry, and eventually made his way over to Albuquerque, New Mexico to join the Pajarito Powder team. Given that Pajarito Powder is Henry’s 3rd startup, he understands the importance of being fully dedicated to one’s job, maintaining a steady hand in times of uncertainty and thinking long term about a company’s ambitions.
Though he stays close to home taking care of and advocating for his brothers, and serving as an Elder and Youth Director at his church, they occasionally make the trip to Puerto Rico or Aguascalients, Mexico for some of Henry’s cousin Juan’s tacos, which he claims are “one of a kind”. He hasn’t made it to Australia yet, but knows that he’ll get there some day.
In the mean time, Henry will continue to lead at Pajarito Powder, his church, and at home. When he was asked what he thought the purpose of existence was, he responded with “helping as many people as possible and making a positive difference in someone’s life.” As a man of faith, he strives toward this goal each day at home, at church and with Pajarito Powder.
Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.