Pajarito Powder honored among Fastest Growing Companies by ABF

September 27, 2018
Albuquerque, NM USA – Albuquerque-based startup manufacturer of hydrogen fuel cell catalysts and Engineered Catalyst Supports, Pajarito Powder was honored in the top three fastest growing companies by the Albuquerque Business First.
Based on revenue growth over the past two years of activity, Pajarito Powder achieved an astounding 1,200 percent increase with dramatically increased OEM and supplier interest in fuel cell technologies
Pajarito Powder CEO and Chairman Thomas J. Stephenson stated, “I am thrilled for Pajarito Powder to be recognized for the aggressive growth we have accomplished in a short amount of time, but am most proud of the list of customers that have gotten us to this point.” Stephenson declined to comment on Pajarito Powder’s customers, indicating only that they include “…almost every major OEM or supplier with an automotive fuel cell program.”
Pajarito Powder CTO and President, Dr. Barr Zulevi attended and received the award on behalf of the company. “This is further testimony that fuel cells and more importantly, the components that make them better and more affordable are becoming important to major companies around the world. I am extremely proud of the work we have done and the team that has gotten us here.”
Pajarito Powder, LLC is a venture-backed startup, funded by the Verge Fund, Omphalos Venture Partners and other investors, focused on developing next-generation fuel cell catalysts and catalyst supports for the automotive and other industries. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) are the industry recognized replacement for the internal combustion engine (ICE), using potentially sustainably produced hydrogen, emitting only water and providing similar use modalities as ICE vehicles. Working with major automotive OEMs, suppliers and other fuel cell-related manufacturers, Pajarito Powder is well positioned to lead advancements in catalyst and catalyst supports for the burgeoning hydrogen fuel cell industry.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.