Pajarito Powder Strong Presence at 68th ISE Conference in Rhode Island

September 4, 2017
The 68th annual conference of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) occurred at the end of August in Providence, Rhode Island, and Pajarito Powder participated by co-chairing and presenting at the conference. The scientific theme of the conference was Electrochemistry Without Borders, meant to emphasize the global character of the electrochemical community encompassed by the ISE.
Dr. Alexey Serov, Pajarito Powder’s Chief Scientist, co-chaired the Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers division of the symposium. He presented on “Engineered Carbon Supports (ECSs) for Cathode Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts,” Pajarito Powder’s key product for the automotive industry. His second presentation, “PGM-free Hydrogen Evolution and Oxidation Electrocatalysts for AEM Electrodes,” is work related to Pajarito Powder’s efforts to create low-cost alkaline electrolyzer catalysts through an ARPA-E contract. “These research areas have spurred several avenues for future development and evaluation with academic and research institutions, as well as industrial customers”, commented Dr. Serov after the conference.
The organizing committee divided the conference into 19 different symposia, covering a wide array of subject areas, from fuel cells to electro-generated florescent light. Specifically, the symposia titled Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers was coordinated by Dr. Piotr Zelenay, a prominent expert in fuel cells at Los Alamos National Laboratories and Chair of Pajarito Powder’s Technical Advisory Board. The symposium included presentations on the synthesis and design of fuel cell materials, high and low temperature electrolyzers and fuel cell electrolyte materials synthesis, among other topics.
Two members of Pajarito Powder’s Technical Advisory Board, Drs. Plamen Atanassov and Sanjeev Mukerjee, were two of the three co-chairs of the organizing committee for the conference. Dr. Atanassov, a Professor of Nuclear and Chemical Engineering and Director of the Center of Emerging Energy Technologies at the University of New Mexico, is a leading researcher in the industry and was a natural selection for the organizing committee. Dr. Atanassov’s qualifications are matched by Dr. Mukerjee, a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, and the Director of the Center for Renewable Energy Technology at Northeastern University.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.