FC Seminar follow-up

November 25, 2019
The Pajarito Powder team exhibited at Fuel Cell Seminar in Long Beach, CA and participated in the preamble event, H2@Scale, hosted by the US Department of Energy.
The event featured broad participation by all aspects of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen industry, from automakers to systems integrators, component manufacturers and more. The conference portion of the event promoted an extensive array of project announcements and follow-ups with several new major announcements by some of the premier sponsors of the event.
Hyundai exhibited the NEXO, and Toyota announced the next generation Mirai, with an aggressive new design, along with their fuel cell Class-8 truck from “Project Portal: Hydrogen FC Heavy Duty Truck.”
The conference featured presentations by a range of organizations and projects, including several major plenary sessions with significant presentations by the Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) and representatives of the major efforts funded by DOE, including FC-PAD, HydroGEN, and ElectroCat to name several.
Significant advancements in fuel cell performance were announced by several manufacturers, including US Hybrid, Toyota, Ballard, along with the revelation that one of AC Transit’s fuel cell buses has logged over 30,000 hours of operational use.
The show and conference were a great success for both FC Seminar and Pajarito Powder as an exhibitor.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.