Pajarito Powder Announces CCMs, GDEs, and MEAs

May 21, 2018
Pajarito is pleased to announce the availability of commercial pre-production CCMs, GDEs, and MEAs.
Through partnerships Pajarito is pleased to provide catalysts in preliminary designed electrodes in Catalyst Coated Membrane (CCM), Gas Diffusion Electrode (GDE), and Membrane Electrode Assemblies using commercial Proton Exchange Membrane and Anion Exchange Membrane materials.
These are available in 5-100cm² format, with standard square electrode and membrane forms readily available and customized sizes and shapes available in 10+ quantities per type.
Catalysts available include Pajarito Powder’s high-performance Pt/ECS in either Automotive (Humidified and pressurized) or Stationary (Airbreathing) designs, Pajarito’s world-leading PMF PGM-free cathodes catalysts, and Pajarito Powder’s newly announced EEC line of Electrolyzer catalysts.
Fig. 1 50 cm² CCM with 0.15 mg Pt/cm² @cathode, 50 wt% Pt/ECS-003701
Fig. 2 25 cm² CCM and GDE with 3 mg PMF /cm² @cathode

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.