Pajarito Powder Concludes 2018 FC Expo Exhibition

March 6, 2018
Pajarito Powder exhibited for the fifth year in a row at FC Expo Japan, part of World Smart Energy Week, February 28th through March 2nd. 2018 marked the International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Expo’s 14th year as the world’s largest hydrogen and fuel cell trade show and conference with 1,400 exhibitors. More than 65 countries and regions participated with over 85,000 attendees.
Pajarito Powder showcased advanced electrocatalyst products for PEM fuel cells, exhibiting two principle commercial products: Engineered Catalyst Supports (ECS) for automotive fuel cell catalysts that deliver high power densities and enhanced durability, as well as Precious-Metal-Free (PMF) catalysts for applications that require performance at the lowest possible price-per-kilowatt with reliable stability.
“Traffic at this year’s show was exceptional, reflecting the many new entrants into the fuel cell space and significant, growing interest in the technology from Asia,” commented Thomas J. Stephenson, CEO & Chairman of Pajarito Powder, adding, “…visitors to the Pajarito Powder booth were global in origin, coming from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, and of course all parts of Asia, but most notably China, with many new Chinese companies attending.” China has recently announced major programs to support fuel cell development, with aggressive investment by the state.
The show featured many major Japanese companies, such as Toshiba, Hitachi, Honda, Panasonic, and others showcasing their fuel cell offerings in Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and stationary systems. Japan has aggressively staked their future upon hydrogen as a replacement for fossil fuels, with explicit projects aimed at developing hydrogen infrastructure and transportation systems.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.