Pajarito Team Members Coauthors on AEM Electrolysis Study

May 2, 2022
Pajarito Powder colleagues Barr Zulevi, Ph.D. and Geoff McCool are coauthors along with members of faculty of Georgia Institute of Technology Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Dr. Zulevi, President and CTO of Research and Development for Pajarito Powder stated, “We’d like to share this paper recently published by our collaborators at Georgia Tech and USC using out catalysts for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis (AEMWE). AEMWE technology is evolving quickly and is increasingly looking to be a key driver in reducing the cost of renewable hydrogen for widespread use.”
The paper has been made available to the public for a limited time at Elsevier.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.