Pajarito Powder in the News: Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association Newsletter

April 3, 2015
The March 20, 2015 edition of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association newsletter includes focus on Pajarito’s partnership with UNM and LANL on Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts:
Pajarito Powder Partners with University of New Mexico and Los Alamos National Laboratory on Fuel Cell Electrocatalyst
On March 19, the University of New Mexico (UNM) announced a partnership with Los Alamos National Laboratory, Pajarito Powder, and IRD Fuel Cells to develop materials for a cheaper, more durable and stable electrocatalyst for fuel cells. Pajarito Powder will mass produce the materials for the catalyst developed by UNM.
The electrocatalyst being developed is for alkaline fuel cell systems and the project is being funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Fuel Cell Technologies Office.
For a link to the full article, click HERE
Additional focus on Pajarito Powder was generated by FuelCellsWorks in their March 23, 2015 newsletter’s article UNM Fuel Cell Research may provide electrical backup at home
Pajarito Powder’s Alexey Serov is quoted in an excerpt:
“UNM will make a new type of electro catalyst,” said Serov, who is the primary investigator on the project.” Pajarito Powder will take our technology and make large amounts of those materials and Los Alamos will make a polymer which will be integrated with the materials from Pajarito Powder and then we will give it to IRD.”
To view the full article, click HERE HERE.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.