Pajarito Powder Presents at CEWEG-2017

December 4, 2017
United Scientific Group and Fusion Advocates hosted the first International Conference on Clean Energy for the World’s Electricity Grids (CEWEG-2017) from November 20-22, 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Barr Zulevi, Pajarito Powder’s President & CTO, gave a presentation titled Novel Fuel Cell Developments: Highly Stable Precious Metal-Free Cathode Catalysts for Fuel Cell Application. More information on related product development can be found here.
The Conference encouraged a network of researchers and other partners to present innovative technologies, bringing the costs of renewable clean electricity generation to a level competitive with those of traditional sources of energy. Through collaborations and partnerships with national laboratories and innovative start-ups, electricity production from CEWEG methods is an ever-increasing possibility, with recent R&D efforts becoming technical cornerstones for providing electricity worldwide, particularly in emerging economies.
CEWEG sources for electricity grids include fusion energy, solar farms, water, wind farms, geothermal energy resources, as well as newer clean nuclear fission systems. Further expansion of renewable electricity sources will continue as advanced technologies are developed, and existing technologies achieve lower costs and higher performance as these technologies mature.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.