Pajarito Powder Presents at CleanEquity® Monaco

April 5, 2017
Pajarito Powder’s Blog
Pajarito Powder Presents at CleanEquity® Monaco
April 5th, 2017 • Posted by PPC • Permalink
On March 10th, Pajarito Powder presented to a room of potential financial and strategic partners at CleanEquity® Monaco in the Fairmont Hotel in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Invited to present by London-based host, Innovator Capital, the 10th Anniversary was a showcase for best in class, sustainable and clean technology companies. Innovator Capital’s CleanEquity unit sourced over 600 companies and selected 30 for the 2017 event.
Pajarito Powder’s CEO and Chairman, Thomas J. Stephenson, presented the company’s strategic value of its Engineered Catalyst Support (ECS) to improve the durability and reduce the cost of the catalyst – the single highest cost component in hydrogen fuel cell stacks for fuel cell electric vehicles – and thereby make fuel cell electric vehicles more viable. The unique premise of the presentation is that electrification will occur much more rapidly than expected, not because of global warming concerns, but because transportation pollution in major cities is creating a health crisis.
Citing “…over 9,500 Londoners die, each year due to complications arising from air pollution,” Mr. Stephenson made the point that the mayors of many large cities are driving electrification initiatives to mitigate transportation pollution in their cities’ core and this will set in motion the rapid adoption of electric vehicles of all kinds. Pajarito Powder’s value proposition builds from the conviction of the vast majority of automobile executives fuel cell electric vehicles will eventually supersede battery electrics as the long-term replacement for the internal combustion engine, because of the convenience and superior range of fuel cell electric vehicles. Pajarito Powder’s technology provides increased performance, longer life and lower cost that the automobile manufacturers require.
The closing ceremony featured remarks by His Serene Highness, Prince Albert II of Monaco, who has been involved since its inception. Pajarito Powder is currently following up on interactions and interest generated from the company’s participation.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.