Sarah Hendrickson joins Pajarito Powder team as Quality Control Scientist

April 21, 2017
Pajarito Powder’s Blog
Sarah Hendrickson joins Pajarito Powder team as
Quality Control Scientist
April 21st, 2017 • Posted by PPC • Permalink
Pajarito Powder is pleased to announce that as of March 2, 2017, Sarah Hendrickson has joined the company in the role of Quality Control Scientist. Prior to joining Pajarito Powder, Sarah worked as a Research Engineer at xF Technologies, a biochemical chemical company in Albuquerque, NM.
Sarah’s educational background includes earning a B.S. Earth Science (Earth Surface Processes) from George Mason University in 2009, and study at New Mexico Tech which will culminate in a Graduate Certificate in Hydrology the summer of 2017.
While a graduate student at New Mexico Tech, Sarah acted as a Research Assistant where she optimized organic carbon isolation from fracture waters up to two miles below the surface in the Witzwatersrand Basin, South Africa.
An avid outdoor enthusiast as well as geologist by training, Sarah operates a guided geology-based hiking tour company called Yucca and Pine. She hikes and runs half-marathons, enjoys nature photography, as well as fossil and rock hounding expeditions, often accompanied by her beloved sidekick and canine companion, Darcy – named after the hydrologist, not the character from Pride and Prejudice.
Why Pajarito Powder for Sarah? “It’s so fast paced, and the team is amazing! Everyone is so smart, self-motivated, and willing to help when and where they are needed. I feel like I am part of a special, talented team, and feel at home already,” said Sarah.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.