Dr. Alexey Serov to present at the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2017 DOE Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluations Meeting

June 1, 2017
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) 2017 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting (AMR) for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program and the Vehicle Technologies Office will be held on June 5–9, 2017, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Pajarito Powder’s Alexey Serov will present, sharing results of the second and final year of his project on “Development of PGM-free Catalysts for Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Media,” awarded for June 2015 through August 2017.
He will be presenting on Wednesday, June 7th, at 3:15 PM.
This project is a joint development of PGM-free anodic materials for hydrogen oxidation (University of New Mexico), scaling up synthesis of these materials (Pajarito Powder), making new anion exchange ionomer (Los Alamos National Laboratory), and finally integration of catalysts and ionomers into Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (AEMFC) electrode (EWII Fuel Cell, LLC). During the first year, the team showed steady progress on making Ni-based anodes with state-of-the-art performance in HOR determined by Rotating Disk Electrode. All milestones and Go/No-Go decisions were successfully passed by members of Dr. Serov’s team, which resulted in high score evaluations by peer reviewers.
To view the report, please visit here.
This year’s presentation will be devoted to results of Membrane Electrode Assembly development, design of catalytic layer, and understanding of the water management in AEMFCs. Alexey will show the performance of AEMFCs operated at selected fuel cell conditions which are at least 4 times higher than any previously published data.
For more details on AMR, please visit.

Pajarito Powder benefits from resources provided by the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department: JTIP, STEP and other programs through the Office of Science and Technology.